
The Fertility Podcast: What Is Asherman's Syndrome?

I was honoured to guest present an episode of The Fertility Podcast to chat with Emilie Jones-Ransley about our shared experiences of infertility struggles as card-carrying members of ‘The Thin Lining Brigade’.

Emilie shared her experience of Asherman's syndrome - a (rare but devastating) complication of miscarriage surgery, the trials and tribulations of struggling with womb lining issues, and her journey through IVF and surrogacy, as well as discussing the facts and hacks about dealing with tricky lining from the patient’s point of view.

The second half of the episode is an interview with Dr Adrian Lower, an 'A lister' in the Asherman's world (and Emilie's consultant) to discuss Asherman's syndrome from the clinical perspective - to help you better understand how it is caused, how it can be diagnosed and what you need to look out for.⠀

You can listen to the podcast using the player above, or on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Acast and Spotify.

For more information and links to relevant resources, check out the episode show notes.